Category: FoxPro
Virtual FoxFest 2020
For many years, late October has meant a family reunion of Visual FoxPro developer in Gilbert AZ for Southwest Fox. But 2020 is messing with everything and that means no in-person conference this year. With a quick pivot, the organizers of the conference have figured out how to make this a on-line conference instead, so […]
A Brief History of 25 Years of MadFox
[An article for the APCUG newsletter] In January of 1995 I had the good fortune to be able to attend my very first FoxPro DevCon. I had been a user of FoxBase, and its precedent dBase, since 1985 but never had the opportunity to attend a national conference. My mind was BLOWN. At this event, […]
An Application Lifecycle
All good things come to an end.
Southwest Fox 2019 Recap
I’m as surprised as anyone to be reading that headline. Yes, there’s still a conference devoted to Visual FoxPro in 2019, over a decade after Microsoft pronounced the product dead and almost 4 years since the very last shred of support from Microsoft has dissipated. Yet there we were, over 80 of us all gathered […]
OneNote to Rule Them All
I’m putting together this session for the SWFox Conference in September, and the more I get into it the more excited I am. You may know OneNote is a pretty convenient place to keep information. But with its ability to store text, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks, along with its sharing and replication features, OneNote can […]
String.Format for Visual FoxPro
[Originally Published in FoxRockX, September 2010] If you haven’t used C#’s String.Format() method, it’s a real treat. There’s nothing natively like it in VFP, but we can certainly roll our own equivalent. This will make our code easier to read and maintain. This article will show why you want to do that, and how to […]
Southwest Fox 2012 is History, but 2013 Announced
Another Southwest Fox is in the bag, and let me tell you this conference is still going strong. We saw a lot of hands go up when they asked how many people were new this year, which was outstanding. Folks are already starting to blog about their experiences, and Steve Bodnar from Geeks and Gurus […]
Southwest Fox 2012 is Almost Here!
This is The major annual conference for Visual FoxPro developers, and something that we all look forward to every year. The best part about this conference is the socializing with longtime friends who have followed a similar career arc. The focus each year is becoming more and more about expanding our skills beyond Visual FoxPro. […]
“Function Sequence Error” in VFP Remote Views
This was a first for me. An application that had been working fine suddenly started throwing a “Function Sequence Error” when retrieving data from a remote view. That error message was a little misleading, as I didn’t have any functions in my view that could even be out of sequence! Googling around didn’t lead to […]
But What Do You *Do*?
I’m often asked “What do you do?” Depdending on whose asking I’ll give an answer ranging from “I work with computers,” to “I design and implement custom solutions that help business operate more efficiently.” A common followup question is, “Can you design a website?” Well…yes, but that kid down the street can probably do what […]