For many years, late October has meant a family reunion of Visual FoxPro developer in Gilbert AZ for Southwest Fox. But 2020 is messing with everything and that means no in-person conference this year. With a quick pivot, the organizers of the conference have figured out how to make this a on-line conference instead, so instead of Southwest Fox we get Virtual FoxFest.
I’ve looked over the sessions and… this is going to be awesome. We have a ton of fresh speakers this year and a lot of great topics. I’ll be giving a more in-depth followup to last year’s introduction to X#, an open-source xBase derivative that compiles to .NET. In my session we’ll develop a full application from scratch using X# and Visual Studio.
I’m really pleased we’re not going to be sitting out this year, and presenting gives me an opportunity to continue to use X#, which I was pretty psyched to play with last year.
My biggest fear is that this new format is going to be so affordable, so accessible to everyone, and so informative that we’ll never meet in person again! The organizers are eventually going to make all the recorded sessions available for free, but at $49 it’s an absolute deal and supports the community. Register today!
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