ECDC – The Electronic Closeout Document Creator


ECDC, the Electronic Closeout Document Creator, combines all of your client’s custom documentation with the job-specific documentation into one PDF file. That file can then be e-mailed or saved to a server for later review. This will save you hours of time assembling the necessary paperwork for an official closeout!


* Associate inventory used on a project with documentation, so all you have to do is select which items were used and the appropriate docs are integrated.
* Create completely indexed PDF with a custom cover page and table of contents based on documents selected.
* “Wildcard” selection of documents based on name, so if your documentation gets updated you don’t have to re-associate your inventory with the new documentation.
* Easy retrieval of existing projects, along with the ability to “clone” projects.
* Perfect for plumbers, HVAC, general contractors, government agencies, and any other place where Electronic Closeout documents are prepared.
* Can be used on a network, so the library of documents is shared with the whole company.

Screen Shots



ECDC is $1,999 for an unlimited license within your network, or $999 for a one-user copy (document library must reside on c: drive). If you don’t like it within 14 days, we’ll give you your money back.


If ECDC almost works for you but you just need an extra feature, let us know. If the feature is something we think will help sell the product to other clients, we’ll add it free!


Email any support questions to the addresses on our Contacts page.


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