Category: Database
An Application Lifecycle
All good things come to an end.
OneNote to Rule Them All
I’m putting together this session for the SWFox Conference in September, and the more I get into it the more excited I am. You may know OneNote is a pretty convenient place to keep information. But with its ability to store text, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks, along with its sharing and replication features, OneNote can […]
I am a Friend of Red Gate
I do a fair bit of public speaking. Perhaps not as much as some people, but more than others. I really enjoy it though I’m not going to lie to you, it’s a lot of work and isn’t what puts food on the table. A trend that has arisen in my technical talks over the […]
Southwest Fox 2012 is Almost Here!
This is The major annual conference for Visual FoxPro developers, and something that we all look forward to every year. The best part about this conference is the socializing with longtime friends who have followed a similar career arc. The focus each year is becoming more and more about expanding our skills beyond Visual FoxPro. […]
Telerik Reporting Review
When it comes to using a Report Writer in my applications, I had heard talk for years that I should avoid Crystal Reports if possible. “It’s a behemoth.” Some said. “It’s more that you need.” “It’s frustrating.” Well up until recently I was able to remain happily ignorant of the power and fury that is […]
But What Do You *Do*?
I’m often asked “What do you do?” Depdending on whose asking I’ll give an answer ranging from “I work with computers,” to “I design and implement custom solutions that help business operate more efficiently.” A common followup question is, “Can you design a website?” Well…yes, but that kid down the street can probably do what […]
SQL Saturday #118 Recap
I was pretty stoked when I heard about Madison hosting its first “SQL Saturday,” and even more so when I was chosen to speak! I have to admit that when I was told my session was chosen, I thought “They must be pretty desperate for speakers.” More on that in a moment, but first I […]
November Geek Lunch Recap
Thanks to everyone who braved some pretty bad weather to make it to today’s meeting. Here’s a recap of what happened: We started by talking about “Brownfield” development, including strategies for staying disciplined when time and budget are considerations. A great book was suggested: Working Effectively with Legacy Code. One key strategy to making sure you […]
VFP apps on Android and iPhone?
A few times lately I’ve been asked if we could have an Android or iPhone version of our custom Visual FoxPro application. Of course the quick answer is “No,” because there is not and never will be a mobile version of Visual FoxPro (though it probably runs on Windows CE, but ugh). I’ve spent some […]
14 Things I Learned at FoxCon 2011
Another great conference for Visual FoxPro Developers, although this one didn’t focus solely on Visual FoxPro. What did I learn there?