Category: Presentations
Virtual FoxFest 2020
For many years, late October has meant a family reunion of Visual FoxPro developer in Gilbert AZ for Southwest Fox. But 2020 is messing with everything and that means no in-person conference this year. With a quick pivot, the organizers of the conference have figured out how to make this a on-line conference instead, so […]
OneNote to Rule Them All
I’m putting together this session for the SWFox Conference in September, and the more I get into it the more excited I am. You may know OneNote is a pretty convenient place to keep information. But with its ability to store text, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks, along with its sharing and replication features, OneNote can […]
Don’t Be a Target!
For the last few months we’ve watched with fascination the developing story of the data breach at Target, Neiman Marcus, Michael’s and others. In this session we’ll take a look at how the thieves accomplished this feat including what they do with their takings, how it might have been prevented, and why the bank may […]
Stealing Home…Depot (f/k/a Don’t Be a Target!)
First it was Target and now it’s Home Depot, Dairy Queen, Neiman Marcus, Michael’s and so many others. How does this keep happening?! In this presentation we update the original with new information about how the data breach at Target and Home Depot happened, but what the thieves did with their takings, how it might […]