Let’s make this simple. If you’re a VFP developer you should be monitoring VFPX for tools that will make your life better. There are over 20 different projects there ready and waiting to make your coding life better.
Here are some of the highlights that you should consider to enhance your VFP IDE:
- ClassBrowserX – Includes a “View Code” button to export VCX to a PRG, which may or may not run.
- Updated Help File – This tooks some hard work and legal finagling, but they got it. Favorites, styles, links added.
- New Project/Method dialog (Rick likes this better than PEM Editor 5) Modeless, dockable, can switch something between a property and a method. Uses “MenuHit” technology in VFP9. Auto-default based on type if using hungarian notation. Compatible with PEM Editor.
- PEM Editor 5.0 (now out). There’s so much to this one. The latest release takes care of the speed issue when the debugger is open by disabling the debug windows while its running, and re-enabling afterwards.
- SCCTextX: Sorts methods, fixes bugs
- FoxTabs / Tabbing Navigation: Alternative ways to navigate around
- Control Renamer (Builder), which allows you to refactor well.
- ProjectHookX: Allows you to chain projecthooks together using the “Hook” Design Pattern.
- Code Analyst: Looks for “bad smells” in your code.
The big takeaway from this session, much like Sara Ford’s keynote last night, is that you, dear VFP developer, should get involved. You may already have code that you use in your environment that you could donate to the community.
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